Welcome to Zilla Praja Parishad Ananthapuramu

Zilla Praja Parishads have been functioning in the state from 01.11.1959 The General Body of Zilla Praja Parishad, Ananthapuramu constituted with 63 ZPTC Members including Chairman and Vice Chairman, Two Co-option Members headed by the Chairperson. The MPs, MLAs, MLCs are also Members in Z.P.P.General Body. Presidents of all Mandal Praja Parishads in the District and GDCCB Chairman, Markfed Chairmans are the invities. The It will meet once in every 3 months and review the Developmental Activities and implementation of Government Schemes with the District Officials. There are 7 Standing Committees constituted with ZPTC members, MLAs, MLCs and District Officers concerned for discussing and take necessary implementations of the proposals to the General Body.


Smt. Boya Girijamma

Hon’ble Chairperson