Meeting on PM Vishwakarma Scheme

Meeting on the implementation of the PM Vishwakarma Scheme by the District Implementation Committee on 11.01.2024."


● Hon’ble PM has announced the new scheme - Vishwakarma Yojana on the Independence Day (15.08.2023).

● Traditional artisans and crafts people engaged in (18) occupations like blacksmiths, goldsmiths, potters, carpenters, sculptors, etc. are referred to as ‘Vishwakarmas’.

● These skills or occupations are passed from generation-to-generation following a guru-shishya model of traditional training, both within the families and other informal groups of artisans and craftspeople

● The PM Viswakarma scheme aims to provide skill development, financial assistance, market linkages, social security and empowerment to the artisans and craftsmen.

● The scheme will be implemented as a Central Sector Scheme, fully funded by the Government of India

● Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) and Department of Financial Services (DFS), Ministry of Finance (MoF), Government of India shall be the co-implementers of PM Vishwakarma

● PM Vishwakarma shall come into effect from 17th September, 2023.

● The Government of AP, issued orders, vide G.O.Ms.No.75 dated 24.08.2023 of Industries & Commerce (Prog-I) dept., for implementation of the Scheme by constituting 3 tier monitoring committees at State, District and Village level

District Implementation Committee

S.No Member Designation Role
1 District Collector Chairman
2 PD, DRDA  Member
3 District Panchayat Officer Member
4 District In-Charge, VSWS dept. Member
5 Representative of MSME-DFO Member
6 Commissioner of Municipal Corporation Member
7 Lead District Manager Member
8 Dist Skill Development Officer Member
9 Practitioners/ domain experts , on honorary basis, with prior approval of National Steering Committee. (2 Nos) Member
10 GM/ DIO, DIC, Member-Convener
11 ED, BC Corporation Special Invitee
12 ED, sC Corporation Special Invitee
13 DTWO,ST Corporation Special Invitee
14 ED,Minority Corporation Special Invitee
15 Dy. Commissioner of Labour Dept Special Invitee